Chiropractic Testimonial:
I came to Dr. Beth with horrible foot pain. After treating my foot with chiropractic using the Pro-Adjuster on both my back and my foot and doing therapy, it is feeling a lot better. In fact, I had to go to New York and did a lot of walking, and I could not believe how well my foot did. Thank you Dr. Beth!!
For the months of August and September, we are having a acupuncture special. The cost of an acupuncture treatment will be what you normally pay for a doctor visit copay (minimum of $25). If you have any questions or need us to look up what your copay is, call Dana at 967-6776. An adjustment combined with this will be an additional $25.
Six Little Stories
Once all villagers decided to pray for rain,
on the day of prayer all the people gathered,
but only one boy came with an umbrella.
That’s FAITH
When you throw a baby in the air,
she laughs because she knows you will catch her.
That’s TRUST
Every night we go to bed,
without any assurance of being alive the next morning
but still we set the alarms to wake up.
That’s HOPE
We plan big things for tomorrow
in spite of zero knowledge of the future.
We see the world suffering,
but still we get married and have children.
That’s LOVE
On an old man’s shirt was written a sentence
‘I am not 85 years old….
I am sweet 16 with 68 years experience’
Have a happy day,
live your life like the six stories!
Back On Track Chiropractic
3257 Cahaba Heights Road Birmingham, AL 35243
205-967-6776 |