I wanted to share with you the events of last week:
Last Tuesday, my son Liam was at rock climbing camp. It was raining, so they were seeking shelter in a cave. When one of the boys went to do a pullup on the ledge, the ledge broke off (it was an 8 cubic foot rock) and landed on Liam’s pelvis. After a 3 hour rescue and a helicopter ride to the hospital, Liam was evaluated by a trauma team. My husband and I drove to Ashville, North Carolina to be at the hospital with him. It turned out that he sustained 4 fracture in his pelvis, but fortunately he did not need surgery, he did not have any damage to organs, and he has full use of his legs. On Thursday afternoon, we were able to get Liam home.
On Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Dana, Julie, Lina, my husband, and I and the contractors put the English Village space together. I am happy to report that mission accomplished – we are open for business!
We hope that you will stop by to see our new office. As an incentive to do so, let us know that you read this email and you can have one treatment (your choice between chiropractic and acupuncture) for $20.00. You can have two treatments for $35.00. This offer is good until September 1, 2016.
We are located at 2031B Cahaba Road, Mountain Brook, Al 35223. Call us at 967-6776 for directions.
Hope to see you soon!
Dr. Beth