Back On Track Chiropractic & Wellness Center

Computer Joke

Did you know that acupuncture can help with feet/knee/wrist/shoulder problems? We have had great success in our office in treating these conditions. And it is affordable! For more information call 967-6776.

Joke for the week: Thank you Leonard!

I was having trouble with my computer so I asked my 13 year old grandson for help.

He clicked a couple of buttons and fixed the problem. As he was walking out, I asked him what the problem was.

He said it was an “ID Ten T” issue. Not wanting to sound stupid, but curious to know in case it ever happened again, I asked him what was an “ID Ten T” issue.

“Write it down,” he said. So I did.

ID10T. Well…. he never was my favorite grandson anyway.

Back On Track Chiropractic
3257 Cahaba Heights Road Birmingham, AL 35243
205-967-6776 |

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